Sunday, 9 December 2012

Rimmel Lipstick!

In my attempt to embrace the current Autumn/Winter trends I thought I would go wild and try out this dark lip fad. Now, I am quiiiiiite pale and I already know that unless it has an orange undertone I can not pull off red so I thought I would go for more of a berry colour. Even still, with my skin tone a dark lip seemed very scary to me so I thought it was probably wise to go for a cheap and cheerful one rather than heading off down to MAC. I stumbled across Rimmel's 'Stary Eyed'  and picked it up for £3.99. It was meant to be £4.99 but I had my handy Superdrug card on me. we go.

 Even though my boyfriend refuses to kiss me and me friend thought I had eaten a Ribena Lolly (obviously he is male) I am very happy with this lipstick and plan on investing on some more high end equivalents. The formulation is really nice, really moisturising and it doesn't stick to any dry skin on my lips. However, I do feel i need to invest in a lip liner as it has a tendency to fade and look more pink around the edges of my mouth. 

Bye for now! x 

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