Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Cupcakes NOM!

Hey guys!
Now, i'm not in any way, shape or form a professional....but check these babies out!!! Not to brag but i think that are pretty darn attractive, and they were scrumptious too!

Basically, me and my friend that i live with at uni were a bit bored today, i know what you must be thinking..she's always bored, does she not go to uni or something? Trust me I'm not happy about paying over 3 grand a year but yet i still have time to bake cupcakes on a Wednesday afternoon, but i was very happy with how these turned out. I know there are hundreds of tried and tested recipes out there on't t'internet but this was pure guess work or the lazy mans cook book, i say. Basic ingredients; butter, sugar, flour, eggs and vanilla extract then butter cream frosting which consists of; icing sugar, butter and vanilla extract. We then lovingly decorated (LOL getting my Nigella on) with chocolate sprinkles and marshmallows on the top. Oh and i'll let you into another little secret....there's jam in the middle of them!!! I know, i like to be daring with my baking.

We got a bit messy with the flour *naughtyyy* and they do look like they've been made by a child but at the end of the day we had fun and they tasted great! Give them a go :) Pretttyyyyy!


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